The Polyscias, also known as Aralia, occurs naturally on islands in the Pacific Ocean. A Polyscias is a characteristic tree that likes to stand in a shady place and needs little water. Polyscias literally means "a lot of shade" in Greek. This houseplant has the property that leaves grow over the entire branch. Leaves of a Polyscias are green, white or yellow and have a round or heart-shaped appearance. This houseplant is highly recommended for the dark spot in your room or office.
Plant Details
Plant Name | Polysias Butterfly |
Plant Size | 4 - 10 inch approx |
Location | Indoor |
Light | Shady place |
Watering | The amount of water used depends on the size of the plants and the location. The quicker dry, the more water. |
Temperature | 18 - 22 °C |